

Year 10 Media Arts Genre Film Production

Self-reflection and evaluation:

Please answer each question on your blog, using complete sentences and including as much detail as possible.

Discuss your feelings about the production and editing task: Please justify your responses:
·      Were you satisfied with the concept and footage that your group created? (i.e. did the filming capture the essence of your concept?)
Yes I was satisfied.
·      How did your final edit differ to the other members’ of your group? (consider the order of your shots, editing techniques i.e. colour correction, transitions, effects, use of sound )
The order of the shots, some of the sound effects, colour correction and transitions are different.
·      Would like to change or improve any aspects of your final film (storyline, shots, editing etc.)?
No, not really
·      If you could start the project again, what would you do differently?
Not sure…
As this task focused on selecting a specific genre, describe:
·      How you used specific elements of mise-en-scene to depict your film’s genre and enhance the narrative?
·      How you used specific shot types to convey the story using visual language?
·      High angel to show that the person’s weak and powerless.
·      Whether the intended genre is depicted clearly or if this could be improved?
I think its depicted quite clearly.
Include images and screenshots where appropriate, to support your evaluation.
·      How did other people respond to your rough-edit? Did you use their feedback to make changes to the film?
They said the genre was quite clear and they understood what’s going on but it could be creepier, so I used colour correction for some scenes.
·      Did your group use the planning and analysis tools effectively? (ingredients list, storyboards, shot lists).
·      Yes
·      Were there any problems or difficulties during filming and how did this affect your project. (Difficulties may include; shooting, technical, time-management, teamwork, absences or editing etc.);
There weren’t any big problems throughout the project.
·      Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to support your work? (Look at your blogs and consider if it looks like a terms worth of work);


