

Year 10 Media Arts Film Noir Style Production – Term 02 Mr. Andrews

Self-reflection and evaluation:

Please answer each question using complete sentences, including as much detail as possible.

Discuss your feelings about the production task: Please justify your responses:
·      Are you satisfied with the result? (i.e. did it turn out as well as you hoped?)
Yes it did turn out as well as I hoped.
·      Did the project require more/less time than you originally thought?
It required more time than I thought because we didn’t know there should not be alcohol in the film so it took time to re-film.
·      Would like to change or improve any aspects of your final film (storyline, shots, editing etc.)?
Not really
·      If you could start the project again, what would you do differently?
If I could start it again, I would not use alcohol, so we wouldn’t need to re-film as much.
As this task focused on the Film Noir Style, describe:
·      How you used specific elements of mise-en-scene to depict your film’s genre and enhance the narrative?
·      How you used specific shot types to convey the story using visual language?
·      Whether the intended genre is depicted clearly or if this could be improved?
The genre is depicted clearly.

Personal reflection and evaluation:
After your previous task, you were asked to reflect upon the project and identify aspects of planning, production and reflection, which could be improved. Please explain which aspect you chose to focus on for this task and how you have made improvements.

Reflecting upon your completed task, respond to the following points:
·      How did other people respond to your rough-edit? Did you use their feedback to make changes to the film?
·      As there shouldn’t be alcohol in the film, we re-filmed the beginning and the ending parts.
·      Did your group use the planning and analysis tools effectively? (ingredients list, storyboards, shot lists).
·      Yes we did.
·      Were there any problems or difficulties during filming and how did this affect your project. (Difficulties may include; shooting, technical, time-management, teamwork, absences or editing etc.);
·      Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to support your work? (Look at your blogs and consider if it looks like a terms worth of work);

No, I didn’t update enough blogs to support the work.



Eliza and I went to Miho's house and filmed last Saturday, which was the 16th of May. At first we were struggling of how we should set up the camera and the lights in order to make the film look more film noir. We used the soft light when we were filming the part where the bar visitor (Miho) is reading the newspaper. When we were filming the bar tender part, we used stronger lights to make it more shadowy and to create intensity.

We set up lights near the table and one under the table. To make the place more like a bar, Eliza brought two black table clothes to put on top the table. There were some empty glass bottles put on the side of the table as well to show that it's a bar.

When we started filming the scene where the bar visitor is having a conversation with the bar tender asking about the murder, we put the camera on the side of the bottle next to the glass bottles. We filmed the same scene a few times at different angles to show facial expression of the two people while they're talking.

After we finished filming the conversation scene, we were going to film the scene where the mistress says goodbye to the person who gets killed. However, because it was a bit late and it was raining, we didn't get to finish filming that part.