
Reflection and Evaluation

Year 10 Media Arts Short Film Production – Term 01 Mr. Andrews

Task 1: Self-reflection and evaluation:

Please answer each question using complete sentences, including as much detail as possible.

Discuss your feelings about the production task: Please explain your responses:
·      Did you enjoy creating your short film?
Yes I did enjoy creating my short film because it was my first time making a actual film which we needed to set up the lighting and using reflector and stuff.
·      Are you satisfied with the final result?
I’m satisfied with the final result as we learnt a lot and got experience for filming and I think the film did turn out quite well.
·      Did your film turn out as well as you pictured?
Some of the scenes turned out as well as I pictured but some of them didn’t. The film I pictured was more dramatic and scary, as I’ve watched quite a lot of horror films before.
·      Would like to change or improve any aspects of your final film (storyline, shots, editing etc.)?
I would like to change the storyline to the original one, which the character got bullied by her victim when she’s little and she’s looking for her victim, in which I think it’s more scary and mysterious.
·      If you could start the project again, what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I would film from more angles in order to show the character’s facial expressions and make the film more dramatic.

As this task focused on mise-en-scene and cinematography, describe:
·      How you used specific elements of mise-en-scene to depict your film’s genre and enhance the narrative?
·      How you used specific shot types to convey the storyline without dialogue?
Using different shot types like close up to show the facial expression of the character and extreme close up to the character’s hand to show what she’s holding or what she’s trying to do.
·      Whether the intended genre is depicted clearly or if this could be improved?
I reckon the intened genre is depicted clearly at the beginning of the movie as it creat an illusion to the audience that the character’s going to kill a person.
Reflecting upon your completed task, respond to the following points:

·      How did other people respond to your rough-edit? Did you use their feedback to make changes to the film?
People didn’t really understand what was going on as the Instagram part, which is showing that she’s cyber bullied, was so blurry so people were not able to see, and they thought toilet part was confusing as well. We did use their feedback to make changes to the film, like changing to toilet scene to a scene that she’s throwing everything onto the floor to show her anger so that everything’s clearer and more obvious.
·      Did your group use the planning and analysis tools effectively? (storyboards, shot lists, mise-en-scene evaluation).
We did use the storyboard but we didn’t use the shot list as much, as we all pretty much got the idea of what we were going to do and how we were going to film.
·      Did shooting require more or less time than you thought? Why?
The shooting required more time than I thought, as we were not really familiar with the lighting and what angle was the best to shoot.
·      Were there any problems or difficulties during filming and how did this affect your project. (Difficulties may include; shooting, technical, time-management, teamwork, absences or editing etc.);
There were problems during filming. As there was a cyclone and school got cancelled, lilia and I could not go on leave so miho had to come to school to film where as we were going to film outside of school so the film would have looked look a bit cooler. We did have different ideas when we were filming and we did communicate, in which communication is always the most important thing when doing a group project. 
·      Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to support your work? (Look at your blogs and consider if it looks like a terms worth of work);

I think I do have detailed reflections to support my work although I didn’t update my blog regularly.

Ingredient for horror genre

Horror ingredients

somewhere scary 
weapons(knife, guns)
blood palm on wall
weird sound of door closing

Shot lists


After Annabelle walks in the room and stick a picture of the girl who she wants to kill, there is a flashback telling what happened to her.

She posts a selfie on Instagram and that girl comments that she is so ugly, so she is so upset and depressed and angry. So she’s trying to find a way to chill out.

So the first scene of the flashback would be she’s looking at her Instagram and all the comments pop up. Then she gets so angry and she throws everything on the floor.


Jess's comments,
I liked the lightening at the start and if you just rethink ways to make it look clearer it will be good.


Didn’t really understand it.  

According to her comments, as she didn't really understand the film, we needed to make it clearer. As Mr Andrews gave us an idea of creating a suspense, we kept the beginning part of the film that she looks like she's going to look for her victim but she ends up eating Nutella. For the Instagram part, instead of just filming the computer, Mr Andrews said we could make the comments pop-up so it would be clearer for the audience to know what's happening. 

Final Film


Shot Type:
Camera Position/Movement: following movement. Underexposed, Black and white, mid close up

Darkroom, Pictures of old Bully. Murderer will be wearing a black hood and pants with gloves. Will walk to the board to pin up another photo.

This will be shot in all black and white.
10 secs

Shot Type:
Camera Position/Movement: Over the shoulder shot. No movement

There will be a flash back of the young murderer going through her fb feed. Sees a bunch of mean comments on her feed.

The murderer is looking for the bully that traumatised her during high school

Shot Type:
Camera Position/Movement:Following the bullied girl

They will be in the bathroom the girl will be crying/vomitting she will be lying down on the floor. The camera will follow her wherever she goes.

Will be in black and white
Little Girl in photo rose sister
Older girl photo: Anastasia

Shot Type:
Camera Position/Movement:
Medium Shot
She will be trying to hack into a website. Her purpose for this is so she can find out where the bully is living.


Shot type: medium shot
Camera Position movement:no movement
Action: She gets the info about the bully. She goes to the mirror puts on her hood and walks out through the door. there will be a over the shoulder shot and that will say a location in which the bully is living.

Shot type: Medium shot

Action: she will appear outs side of the bullies house. Most likely the door she will go into the house. The door will open really slowly. she enters the house and looks through the house. she hears noise opens up to her room and the scene goes black. A scream will be heard at the end.

Rough Edit

This is the rough edit of our film, and it was shown to the class and we got some feedback from Mr Andrews. He said that the tension was built at the beginning of the film but it was lost and the toilet part is a bit confusing and the Instagram part is so blurry because of some issues. So we had to re-film some of the scenes in order to fix those problem.

Filming and editing

When we were filming the part where annabelle was holding a knife and walking to the stares, it accidentally went a bit blurry which created a feeling of mystery.

For the editing part, I edited the flashback part which is the scene that she's vomiting in the toilet.


We started filming on Thursday after school but the films were not as good as it could be so we decided to film everything again on Friday as the school was cancelled. We wasn't really familiar with the lightning at first when we were filming the scene which Annabelle opens the door, walks in the room and sticks the photo on the wall. But after trying for a while, we knew where to set the light up to make the film look the best.

For the scene that when Annabelle is walking to her room, as we were trying to following her walking but not make the film shaky. So I tried to film while sitting on a chair and Lilia pushed the chair in order to film while movie but it didn't work well as the movement of the chair was really hard to control. Then I tried film it in a moveable container which was much easier to control when Lilia was pushing me so the problem was solved.