Part One: Discuss your feelings about the e-pub, poster and commentary task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
I'm satisfied with the final result as I thought it turned out quite well in terms of the outlook.
2. Did the e-pub require more/less time than you originally thought?
The e-pub required more time than I originally thought as the video I made in term 2 and 3 was not a story but a lyrics video so it's quite hard to find something to talk about and what Mr Powell asked me to do was to look for some information of 5SOS so while people are watching the video they can also read the informations like how 5sos was formed.
3. Would like to change any aspects of your final project (layout, links, images, video and audio content, colour scheme etc)?
4. If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I would choose to make a story instead of a lyric video as there was not many thing to talk about especially when the band/singer has just debuted.
Part Two: Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.
Discuss whether your e-pub and poster have turned out the way you pictured them?
I think they haven't turned out the way I pictured them as I used different backgrounds and it looked like a PowerPoint instead of a book.
2. Explain whether your e-pub and poster clearly depicts the style of your animation and describe some specific design principles that you have used to achieve this;
As my animation was not a story so it didn't really have a style so when I was making the iBook, I was trying to make the book prettier and the words and stuff is clear for people to read.
3. Describe any problems or technical difficulties you encountered while creating your director commentaries in GarageBand. These may include; sound or video issues, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the iBooks Author or GarageBand software, problems importing/exporting files, etc;
I didn't really encounter difficulties, everything went quite smoothly except from looking for some useful informations that I thought people would like to know about 5sos. For the iBook author, as I used it before when I was doing my hospitality assignment, so I generally knew how to use it.
4. Did you have all of the necessary resources to complete your e-pub and poster or did you have to create new materials?
I think I did have all of the necessary resources.
5. List the steps you used to plan and develop your project;
Before I started making the iBook, I trimmed the video in to scenes and after that I put them in the iBook finally I started looking for the informations of the band and decorating the iBook.
6. Did you use content-lists, flowcharts or other documents during the planning process;
No I didn't use any of these as it's not that kind of big project that it is necessary to plan it.
7. Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the creative process and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
I think the time given for doing this project was enough that even though I spent quite lots of time looking for background and stuff, I finished making the iBook a week before the due day.