Part One: Discuss your feelings about the e-pub, poster and commentary task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
I'm satisfied with the final result as I thought it turned out quite well in terms of the outlook.
2. Did the e-pub require more/less time than you originally thought?
The e-pub required more time than I originally thought as the video I made in term 2 and 3 was not a story but a lyrics video so it's quite hard to find something to talk about and what Mr Powell asked me to do was to look for some information of 5SOS so while people are watching the video they can also read the informations like how 5sos was formed.
3. Would like to change any aspects of your final project (layout, links, images, video and audio content, colour scheme etc)?
4. If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I would choose to make a story instead of a lyric video as there was not many thing to talk about especially when the band/singer has just debuted.
Part Two: Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.
Discuss whether your e-pub and poster have turned out the way you pictured them?
I think they haven't turned out the way I pictured them as I used different backgrounds and it looked like a PowerPoint instead of a book.
2. Explain whether your e-pub and poster clearly depicts the style of your animation and describe some specific design principles that you have used to achieve this;
As my animation was not a story so it didn't really have a style so when I was making the iBook, I was trying to make the book prettier and the words and stuff is clear for people to read.
3. Describe any problems or technical difficulties you encountered while creating your director commentaries in GarageBand. These may include; sound or video issues, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the iBooks Author or GarageBand software, problems importing/exporting files, etc;
I didn't really encounter difficulties, everything went quite smoothly except from looking for some useful informations that I thought people would like to know about 5sos. For the iBook author, as I used it before when I was doing my hospitality assignment, so I generally knew how to use it.
4. Did you have all of the necessary resources to complete your e-pub and poster or did you have to create new materials?
I think I did have all of the necessary resources.
5. List the steps you used to plan and develop your project;
Before I started making the iBook, I trimmed the video in to scenes and after that I put them in the iBook finally I started looking for the informations of the band and decorating the iBook.
6. Did you use content-lists, flowcharts or other documents during the planning process;
No I didn't use any of these as it's not that kind of big project that it is necessary to plan it.
7. Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the creative process and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
I think the time given for doing this project was enough that even though I spent quite lots of time looking for background and stuff, I finished making the iBook a week before the due day.
Year 9 Creative Media Animation Project
Animation Unit: Self-reflection and project evaluation:
Discuss your feelings about the production task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
I’m satisfied with the final result as I think the music video came out pretty well.
Did the animation process require more or less time than you originally thought?
The animation process required more time than I thought. While we were filming according to what we planned to do on our storyboard, we found some parts were quite hard to film so we changed our storyboard for a few times which took us more time.
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I think I would do more drawing instead of only writing or sticking the lyrics on a whiteboard or a wall. It would look more interesting
Discuss whether your final animation has turned out the way you imagined?
It had turned out the way I imagined.
Explain how your animation skills developed during the project (i.e. did you become more efficient?; did the quality of your animation improve?; did you have to use a variety of animation techniques? etc);
During the project, we were using the iStopmotion for filming. When we were filming the first part, wasn't that efficient as we wasn't that used to setting up the light and camera and it was a bit shaky, so we re-filmed the shaky bit when we nearly finished the whole thing and it looked much better than before.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the animation process. (These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the editing software, problems exporting etc.)
Once we saved the file wrongly that we should have saved the file but then we exported it, so we had to film it again.
Explain if you made effective use of storyboards and scene planning/breakdown?
We did made good use of the storyboards that we filmed according to what we planned and whenever we found that the thing we planned wasn't that good, we changed the storyboard so it's more organised.
Describe any time-management issues you or your group came across during the project and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
We managed the time quite well that we still have time to re-film and make the video looks better.
List any other software skills, animation techniques, tricks or shortcuts you have learned during the project.
We used iMovie to combine all scenes together, so I know how to use iMovie now.
Animation Unit: Self-reflection and project evaluation:
Discuss your feelings about the production task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
I’m satisfied with the final result as I think the music video came out pretty well.
Did the animation process require more or less time than you originally thought?
The animation process required more time than I thought. While we were filming according to what we planned to do on our storyboard, we found some parts were quite hard to film so we changed our storyboard for a few times which took us more time.
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, I think I would do more drawing instead of only writing or sticking the lyrics on a whiteboard or a wall. It would look more interesting
Discuss whether your final animation has turned out the way you imagined?
It had turned out the way I imagined.
Explain how your animation skills developed during the project (i.e. did you become more efficient?; did the quality of your animation improve?; did you have to use a variety of animation techniques? etc);
During the project, we were using the iStopmotion for filming. When we were filming the first part, wasn't that efficient as we wasn't that used to setting up the light and camera and it was a bit shaky, so we re-filmed the shaky bit when we nearly finished the whole thing and it looked much better than before.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the animation process. (These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the editing software, problems exporting etc.)
Once we saved the file wrongly that we should have saved the file but then we exported it, so we had to film it again.
Explain if you made effective use of storyboards and scene planning/breakdown?
We did made good use of the storyboards that we filmed according to what we planned and whenever we found that the thing we planned wasn't that good, we changed the storyboard so it's more organised.
Describe any time-management issues you or your group came across during the project and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
We managed the time quite well that we still have time to re-film and make the video looks better.
List any other software skills, animation techniques, tricks or shortcuts you have learned during the project.
We used iMovie to combine all scenes together, so I know how to use iMovie now.
Definition of animation and stop-motion animation
Animation is the process of creating motion and shape change illusion
by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that
minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in
general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon.
Stop motion is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence.
Stop motion is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence.
As the two lessons when Mr Powell was away, we got all the filming done and we started editing the whole thing using imovie. And we finished the whole project today!
Works we have got so far
We have been doing the project for one and a half term and we have finished filming scene 1 to scene 3 and scene 5 as well.
For scene 4, as we need a classroom for filming, so we are waiting for a day that there is no one using the classroom.
And after finish filming scene 4, we are going to use imovie to combine all of them together and put the music in to form a music video and we are done!!
For scene 4, as we need a classroom for filming, so we are waiting for a day that there is no one using the classroom.
And after finish filming scene 4, we are going to use imovie to combine all of them together and put the music in to form a music video and we are done!!
As we are nearly finish, we watched our whole music video and we found that there were some of the parts could be improved, so we re-filmed those parts for 2 lessons to make them look better.
Last Thursday when we were going to film the next part, we found that we saved the file wrongly that we did not save but export it. So we had to re-film the one which wrongly saved. Mr Andrew told us how we supposed to save it.
First part of the lyrics
Abby and I have been working on the first part of the lyrics. We planed to do this part by holding them on my hand but it was not working well so we stick the lyrics on the wall and move them upwards until they are out of the screen.
Music Intro.
After we have done the storyboards, we started filming.
For the first part of the music video is the first 7 secs of the music.
Our idea for it was to write the song and the band name on a whiteboard.
We thought it would be a easy job but it wasn't. We had to use the lights to make it looks brighter and clear to see, but we didn't know how to set the light up and we nearly burnt it...................
We tried to write a bit and take a picture but it didn't work really well so we tried another method - wrote the whole things, rub a bit and took a picture and reverse it. It worked pretty well, It took us few lessons to get it done.
For the first part of the music video is the first 7 secs of the music.
Our idea for it was to write the song and the band name on a whiteboard.
We thought it would be a easy job but it wasn't. We had to use the lights to make it looks brighter and clear to see, but we didn't know how to set the light up and we nearly burnt it...................
We tried to write a bit and take a picture but it didn't work really well so we tried another method - wrote the whole things, rub a bit and took a picture and reverse it. It worked pretty well, It took us few lessons to get it done.
For this term I am doing the assignment with Abby.
The assignment is to make a animation.
Abby and I are making a music video by using istopmotion and here is our storyboards which show how we are gonna make the music video.
We are doing it alternately which means she does the first part and I do the second part and so on. After we finish the parts each of us have to do ,we will combine them together to make a full music video.
We learnt how to use animation-ish in the lesson,like colouring things and how to make things move.
I used the sky to be the background and a coloured angel at the front,it's flying from one cloud to another one.
Stop motion
I took 30+ pictures of my hand moving and counting from 1 to 5
Bouncing Ball
Avatar Reflection/Evaluation
Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the creation and editing of your avatar. (These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty with Photoshop tools etc;
I missed the file once as I used the school laptop to do it during prep time and I
just saved it on the desktop. After I came back after dinner,I couldn't find my file,so
I had to do it again.
Did you undertake any additional Photoshop tutorials to help with your project? If so what new skills/techniques did you learn ;
Yes I did. I used masking to do most of my avatar.
Explain how your planning (personality profile, ideas and reflections) helped to create the avatar in Photoshop;
My ideas creating my avatar were my star sign and my birth year which could
definitely show my personality as I think I am a warm and cheerful person that always
feel happy,and that's what 'Leo' and rabbit are.I used a ice skating rink to be the
background and I also changed my shoes to a pair of ice skating shoe since ice
skating is my favourite sport.
Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area (Did you have your images ready before class? Did you have your USB each lesson? Did you work on the avatar outside of class time?);
No I didn't as I kept changing the images which suit the most.I didn't have my USB with my as I left
my USB in Hong Kong. I usually used prep time to work on the avatar so there's enough time to
finish it.
Discuss whether you undertook sufficient reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look at your blog. Does it reflect a term of work);
I missed something that should have done and uploaded to the blog because I
missed a few lessons which I was having ESL.
Discuss your feelings about the Avatar task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
Yes I satisfied.
Does the completed Avatar look like you imagined?
It actually does look like the one I imagined but there's still a little bit different. The
one I imagined look more natural
Would you like to change any aspects of your avatar?
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
I would try to make it more natural.
Are you pleased with the progress you have made in using Photoshop?
Yes I am.
Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the creation and editing of your avatar. (These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty with Photoshop tools etc;
I missed the file once as I used the school laptop to do it during prep time and I
just saved it on the desktop. After I came back after dinner,I couldn't find my file,so
I had to do it again.
Did you undertake any additional Photoshop tutorials to help with your project? If so what new skills/techniques did you learn ;
Yes I did. I used masking to do most of my avatar.
Explain how your planning (personality profile, ideas and reflections) helped to create the avatar in Photoshop;
My ideas creating my avatar were my star sign and my birth year which could
definitely show my personality as I think I am a warm and cheerful person that always
feel happy,and that's what 'Leo' and rabbit are.I used a ice skating rink to be the
background and I also changed my shoes to a pair of ice skating shoe since ice
skating is my favourite sport.
Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area (Did you have your images ready before class? Did you have your USB each lesson? Did you work on the avatar outside of class time?);
No I didn't as I kept changing the images which suit the most.I didn't have my USB with my as I left
my USB in Hong Kong. I usually used prep time to work on the avatar so there's enough time to
finish it.
Discuss whether you undertook sufficient reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look at your blog. Does it reflect a term of work);
I missed something that should have done and uploaded to the blog because I
missed a few lessons which I was having ESL.
Discuss your feelings about the Avatar task:
Are you satisfied with the final result?
Yes I satisfied.
Does the completed Avatar look like you imagined?
It actually does look like the one I imagined but there's still a little bit different. The
one I imagined look more natural
Would you like to change any aspects of your avatar?
If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
I would try to make it more natural.
Are you pleased with the progress you have made in using Photoshop?
Yes I am.
This is my assignment that I have been doing for these few lessons. Leo is my star sign ,so I made my half face become lion and the other half is rabbit,which is my birth year.
I like ice skating very much, that's why I used a ice skating rink for background and I changed my shoes to a pair of ice skating one.
I like ice skating very much, that's why I used a ice skating rink for background and I changed my shoes to a pair of ice skating one.
Emma Watson
I used masking and color balance changed her eyes color. I also used liquify to make her pimples smaller.
She looks so angry.Her eyes and mouth are really big.She is like something is driving her crazy and wants to kill someone. The man is so angry that he is yelling into his phone.
The boy is staring someone who makes him angry.
The baby looks really sad as he has tear on his face and his eyes looks so hopeless. She is crying and there's tear on her face. She seems being hurt by a boy.
The girl looks so upset and she is like did something wrong and was scolded, so she is crying.
The baby is laughing so happily.His eyes even close and his mouth is open.He looks really happy and he probably sees something funny.
They are all laughing so happily.They are probably watching a comedy show or movie. They are a happy family as they all have a smiling face.They looks really enjoy staying with each others.
Lion, 2013, The Interpretation of Dreams,
I like the idea of this as an avatar because Leo is my star sign.
Kim Yuna, 2014, Wikipedia,
I like this as an avatar because I like ice skating so much and Yuna Kim skates very well. She looks so pretty when she is skating.
Animal morphing
Tiger looks scary,I wanted it to be cute so I combined it with a lovely cat.
But sadly,It looks weird!
Emu/Tree Frog
I learned about how to use photo shop in these few lessons. For example,masking and colouring.
I like the "emu frog" so much!!It's lovely:D
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